Monday, January 30, 2012

CSA 2012, Part 2: The Long Distance Option

So we've had a good response for the Rettland Farm Chicken Subscription Arrangement since word of it hit the streets last week. 

But a few of our followers from outside the immediate area have contacted with their regrets at not being able to participate because of the distance from their homes to the farm here in Gettysburg.  So, that got the wheels turning again here at Idea Central.

And this is what I've come up with:

To make the trip more efficient for the long haulers, I will offer a Monthly CSA Share option.  This option will be for people who can only pick up their shares once per month because of distance.  The quantity of chickens will still be the same, one per week.  The chickens will still be the same type, size, and form (whole, halves, etc) as the weekly share.  The shares will still be picked up at the farm in Gettysburg, also on Saturday.

The difference however, is that these chickens will be cryovac packaged in plastic and frozen.  And, as a result of this packaging cost and the freezing, the Monthly share will cost $15 per week.  This brings the total cost of the share for the season to $450. 

For obvious reasons, the egg share isn't available for Monthly subscriber.

This option is really intended for folks in York and Harrisburg, PA or Baltimore, Frederick, or DC.  For those of you in the Hanover area, Rettland Farm chickens will still be available for retail sale at The Carriage House Market.  As an added bonus, if you buy our chickens there, you have access to Rettland Farm pork products, beef from Sheppard Mansion Farms, and lots of other products from local growers.

Hope this helps some of you decide to join us in the inaugural Rettland Farm CSA.  If so, drop me an email at , and be sure to mention the Monthly option.

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