Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sitting This One Out...

So it's time for the Farmers Market Season to kick off once again here in Home Sweet Adams County.

And so, it seems appropriate to announce that we're going to sit out the 2012 season, away from the markets.


Yeah, it was a tough decision to make. In fact, I've been mulling it over since the close of the Market last October.  I went back and forth on the issue for months, stalling the decision until the last possible moment. 

In the end, I opted to take a break from the Markets for two reasons:  I wanted to try some new marketing ideas and to focus my attention on the irons that we already had in the fire. 

But I still need to have a retail outlet.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the relationships and reputation that we've built with professional chefs.  I can't tell you what a rush it is to sit down at a bustling restaurant and see your name listed on the menu:  it's the farmers equivalent of seeing your name in lights on the marquee, I guess.

But I still NEED to see the end user of our products sometimes, to put our product in the hands of someone who is doing nothing more than trusting us to nourish themselves and the people they care about.  No flash.  No buzz.  No potential write ups in the food section of a metro newspaper.  Just getting back to the basics of feeding people.  That's what keeps my wheels turning.

So in order for me to get my fix, so to speak, we're going to be offering on farm sales this year.  We'll be open for business starting this Saturday, May 5, from 12pm-7pm. 

I'll lay out all the details in my next post, in the next day or two.  But for now, just make plans to drive on out here and pay us a visit every week or two.  I really think it will be worth your time.

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